Good Morning Devotional with Dr Diana Brevan 12-11-2024
Jesus is Lord Fellowship WWI
Where we make a difference in People’s lives
Good Morning,
We are a praying Ministry, A going Ministry, a Growing Ministry we are a praying, Going, growing, we are a Ministry that will bring you the results.
Senior Pastor, Dr. Diana Brevan,
Jesus Is Lord Fellowship WWI
USA Headquarters
PO Box2752 Inverness Florida 34451
Good Morning!
Ephesians 4:9-16
9 Notice that it says “he ascended.” This means that Christ first came down to the lowly world in which we live. 10 The same one who came down is the one who ascended higher than all the heavens, so that his rule might fill the entire universe. 11 He is the one who gave these gifts to the church: the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, and the pastors and teachers. 12 Their responsibility is to equip God’s people to do his work and build up the church, the body of Christ, 13 until we come to such unity in our faith and knowledge of God’s Son that we will be mature and full grown in the Lord, measuring up to the full stature of Christ. 14 Then we will no longer be like children, forever changing our minds about what we believe because someone has told us something different or because someone has cleverly lied to us and made the lie sound like the truth. 15 Instead, we will hold to the truth in love, becoming more and more in every way like Christ, who is the head of his body, the church. 16 Under his direction, the whole body is fitted together perfectly. As each part does its own special work, it helps the other parts grow, so that the whole body is healthy and growing and full of love.
Holy Bible, New Living Translation, (Wheaton, IL: Tyndale House Publishers, Inc.) 1996.
Everyone in the body of Christ has been given gifts by God. There is not a one of us who have not received a gift or two, gifts to use for service to Him. Only Christ has the power and ability to give these gifts. And Paul tells us what some of them are, but this list only covers a small portion of them because there are many more. But the apostles, teachers, pastors and evangelist are given the responsibility to equip the church to bring her to maturity. We are the church and we have two commissions from Christ in these verses: first we all have gifts and we are to use them to bring the rest of the body of Christ to maturity, second as a part of the body, we are to bring ourselves to maturity. We need to be strong in Christ so we will not be tossed around by the winds of this world. If you are not using the gifts given to you by God, you will not grow. There isn’t one Christian who is exempt from service; all are required to do his part in the body of Christ. We are all to work together to strengthen the body and to complete the work Christ has laid before us, that of spreading the Good News of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Are you still an infant being tossed around by the winds of this world? Then start using the gifts given to you to strengthen the body or to bring others into the body? Start where you are now. See what a difference it will make in you and your walk with Christ.
Have a God Day!
Dr.Diana Brevan
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